Quality Policy
Heritage Minerals is committed to:
• Maintaining our Quality Management System to ISO 9001 to provide Workers and stakeholders with the
leadership, guidance and instruction to ensure our service provision is consistent throughout all of Heritage Minerals operations.
• Providing products and services efficiently, that are technically innovative, defect-free and on-time.
• Providing the best possible outcome with the least amount of risk; and
• Satisfies the agreed contractual and commercial requirements.

Environmental Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd (the “Corporation”) is committed to sustainable development and we recognise that the long-term sustainability of our business is dependent upon good stewardship in both the protection of the environment and the efficient management of the exploration and extraction of mineral resources. Our values and business principles as a Corporation are based on a “zero harm” environmental management performance; they underpin our environmental policy and represent the minimum guidelines for the Corporation in this respect. We will ensure that directors, officers, employees and contractors are aware of this policy as well as the relevant responsibilities which it sets out.

Work Health & Safety Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers (including contractors and volunteers) as well as clients, visitors and members of the public. Hazards and risks to health and safety will be eliminated or minimised, as far as is reasonably practicable.
The responsibility for managing health and safety ultimately rests with the person in control of the business or undertaking (PCBU), directors and management. Workers also have important responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace.
We are committed to complying with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, codes of practice and other safety guidance material.

Cultural Heritage Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to forming meaningful partnerships with traditional owners on whose land our activities operate on. Protecting cultural heritage in areas where the Heritage Minerals is conducting operational mining related activities during development, construction, operation of mine sites.

Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Heritage Minerals is committed to complying with the requirements of the management system and continually monitoring, analysing, reviewing and improving the effectiveness of processes through:
• Structured induction and training programs.
• Auditing and assessment of the Integrated Management System for compliance and effectiveness.
• The monitoring of progress and performance of processes against established objectives and indicators from reliable data sources, and
• The systematic review of performance data and the identification and implementation of improvement opportunities.

Industrial Relations Policy
Heritage Minerals endorses the process of enterprise bargaining where this includes the direct involvement of our workers and has the objective of:
• Developing commitment to the provision of a safe and enjoyable working environment, job satisfaction, training and career options.
• Developing and encouraging a co-operative and a flexible workforce to achieve real and sustainable Improvements in productivity.
• Fostering a commitment to customer satisfaction.
• Encouraging and developing a full level and rage of skills, innovation and excellence, and
• Fostering commitment to Heritage Minerals Integrated Management System.
To maintain this industrial relations policy, it is the responsibility of each manager and supervisor to ensure that interaction between workers in Heritage Minerals is completely free from restriction or harassment.

Human Resources Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to Establishing a means of providing suitable, safe and secure support to our people when they travel or work in locations where there is a reason to suspect that a risk exists to their safety or wellbeing. Recognising workers as being our most valuable asset, and that they are individuals with personal needs, who also share a common goal for the long-term success of Heritage Minerals.

Code of Conduct Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to Providing a policy outlining key business values, principles and workplace practices required to be embraced and followed by management and workers of Heritage Minerals. The policies and practices established in Heritage Minerals codes of conduct, establishes the framework and authority upon which Heritage Minerals workers are required to conduct their work.

Risk Management Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to All business operations are to conduct Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ) risk management that identify hazards and evaluate the risks they present to our people and our business unit. In assessing work scopes and the associated hazards and risks, the emphasis is on preventing or mitigating the exposure to hazards and utilising controls to reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to :
Maintaining a drug and alcohol-free workplaces at sites and offices we control and influence.
• Preventing the effects of impairment, associated with the use of substances including drugs or alcohol likely to impact our people in carrying out their normal duties.
• Maintaining an drugs and alcohol SOP, guide, awareness, training, testing and Integrated Management System.
• Ensuring the drug and alcohol program meets the applicable laws, regulations, standards and codes.
• Applying the drug and alcohol requirements to workers and stakeholders in our workplaces.
• Eliminating, or where applicable, control the consumption of alcohol to the extent of eliminating alcohol associated risks.
• Prohibiting the possession of, use or distribution of illegal substances and where the use of illegal substances is identified the matter may be reported to the police, and
• Providing managers and supervisors with resources to monitor the workplace activities under their control and where any use of illegal substances is identified, have authority to take necessary corrective and disciplinary action.

Rehabilitation Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to Our early intervention and managed rehabilitation approach is aimed at providing physical, psychological and social benefits workers, whilst minimising disruption in the workplace. Adopting a managed process involving early involvement with appropriate and timely support services based on assessed needs aimed at maintaining injured or ill workers in, or returning them to, suitable employment.
Where injury, illness or disability is non-work related, Heritage Minerals will endeavour to rehabilitate those workers if alternative duties are available. Heritage Minerals is committed to providing occupational rehabilitation for workers who have sustained a work-related injury, illness or disability.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policy
Heritage Minerals plan to achieve carbon neutral status as per the Australia government national emissions target requirements. In June 2022, Australia increased its emission reduction ambition and committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The 2022 emissions projections provide insights into how Australia is tracking towards its new targets by examining the potential impacts of policies and measures to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions

Anti Corruption Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to Stopping corruption, which is the offering, promising, giving, accepting, or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for action which is illegal or a breach of trust. Corruption is an inducement or reward offered, promised, or provided to gain any commercial, contractual, regulatory, or personal advantage.

Modern Slavery Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to Recognising and controlling modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, social and environmental responsibility and to the fair and humane treatment of workers in its employment and in its supply chains. This statement sets out the steps that Heritage Minerals has taken to ensure that slavery, human trafficking, and child labour are not taking place in any of its supply chains or in any part of its business.

Media Policy
Heritage Minerals Pty Ltd is committed to :
This policy sets out obligations for employees, contractors, and agents of Heritage Minerals in relation to management of all media regarding the Mount Morgan Tailings Processing and Rehabilitation Project. Including because of requirements relating to Queensland Government grant funding and Australian Government concessional lending, Heritage Minerals is obliged to follow specific and compulsory requirements related to all media. In particular no staff are to make mention of financing amounts related to the project, which should be treated as commercial-in-confidence. Media about the Mount Morgan Tailings Processing and Rehabilitation Project needs to make mention of Queensland and Australian Government support. It will be prudent for Heritage Minerals to create and maintain a standard image as a “footer” to go on to all communication documents from Heritage Minerals and referencing the support from the Queensland and Australian Governments.